
CCC提供各种环境健康和安全课程. 这些课程可以在学院或现场提供. We can customize our training programs to meet your organization’s unique needs and culture. 

Our courses offer convenience, flexibility and relevance because they are based on real-world applications and taught by industry experts. In addition, our flexible training ensures that you get exactly what you need, when you need it. 

你可以在下面找到我们提供的课程, 您可以展开选项卡以查看课程描述. 你可以通过我们的网站找到即将到来的课程 Community & Industry Class Search. Please remember that we also can customize classes to meet your specific needs.

Backflow Recertification

Recertification includes classroom study and hands- on review of the backflow field. Course meets the requirements set by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Regulations and Licensure for receiving CEUs toward recertification.


密闭空间进入和救援类涵盖OSHA指南CFR 1910.146,为在密闭空间工作的人提供实践经验. This training utilizes a state of the art “simulator” to present realistic hands on training.

Topics included

  • Definition and identification
  • Hazard recognition
  • PPE
  • Safety equipment
  • Communication equipment
  • 获得许可必须满足的项目要求
  • 进入者、服务员和主管的角色
  • Atmospheric monitoring
  • 暴露的方式、体征、症状和后果
  • Evacuation Requirements
  • 紧急程序和非入口救援方法
  • Employer's Responsibilities
DOT Hazardous Materials

This 49 CFR (DOT regulations) trainingcourse is intended to provide familiarization with the requirements of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) and fulfill the tri-annual DOT HazMat Refresher requirement. 本程序专为以下任何个人或企业设计:

  • Transports hazardous material
  • 为要运输的包裹准备运输文件或标签
  • Selects or purchases packaging
  • 处理完成的危险品包装
  • 是否涉及任何危险物品的运输


  • Hazard classes and divisions
  • The Hazardous Materials Table
  • 包装:标记和标签
  • 危险品描述和正确的运输名称
  • Shipping papers
  • Placarding
Forklift Certification

Each year, 数以万计的与动力工业卡车(PIT)有关的伤害, or forklifts, occur in US workplaces. These accidents can be avoided! 操作叉车是一项重要的工作. So important, that OSHA requires that only trained and authorized operators shall be permitted to operate a powered industrial truck. 该计划将符合29 CFR 1910的OSHA要求.178-Powered Industrial Trucks.


  • Forklift Orientation
  • Prestart Inspections
  • Stability and Design
  • Proper Safety Procedures
  • 处理和运输危险物质
  • 对各种联邦法规的一般认识

培训包括讲座和实际驾驶经验. Individuals attending this workshop will perform a driving test using a provided forklift. 参加者必须年满18岁,并持有有效的驾驶执照. 这个讲习班用英语授课.

8-Hour Hazmat Refresher

The 8-Hour Hazmat Refresher course is designed to comply with requirements regarding annual refresher training for hazardous waste site and emergency response workers who have previously received the 24-hour and/or 40-hour training.


  • Hazard Communication Standard
  • 29CFR 1910.120危险废物作业和应急反应
  • Protective Clothing
  • 密闭空间中的危险物质
  • 事故/事件调查
  • Recordkeeping Requirements
  • 危险物品人员急救
  • Hazard Identification
  • 反应级别、评审及控制区
  • Decontamination
24-Hour Hazwoper

Are your employees trained on how to respond to a hazardous material spill or release? 这个为期三天的会议旨在满足29 CFR 1910.120 .对从事应急工作的雇员的要求, containment, control and clean-up of hazardous materials released during an incident at your facility.

This course is required for industry that has the potential of accidental release of hazardous chemicals. 讨论的主题将包括:

  • Regulation Overview
  • 29CFR 1910.120 Hazard
  • Communication Standard
  • 29CFR 1919.120 Hazardous


  • • 29CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection
  • 有害物质的识别和鉴定
  • Toxicology
  • Protective Clothing (PPE)
  • 事件管理及控制
  • Work Zones
  • Decontamination
40-Hour Hazwoper

Course is intended for waste site workers and clean-up personnel at environmental superfund locations. Contractors may need this training to do work on certain environmental sites.

Topics included:

  • Regulation Overview
  • Site Characterization
  • Toxicology
  • Hazard Recognition
  • Chemical Awareness
  • Radiological Hazards
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Personal Protection Equipment
  • PPE: Face, Head, Foot and Hand
  • Site Control
  • Decontamination
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Air Monitoring
  • Personal Sampling
  • Material Sampling
  • Safe Work Practices
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Excavation
  • Emergency Procedures

锁定/标记标准仍然是OSHA十大站点标准之一. This training will give you the tools and knowledge needed to stay safe and comply with OSHA’s LOTO standards 1910.47 and 1926.417. 用安全的工具武装自己或员工.

Topics included:

  • Authorized employees
  • Affected employees
  • Lockout devices
  • Types of energy
  • Engineering
  • Enforcement
  • Applying energy controls
  • Annual Inspections
  • Special Situations
NFPA 70E/Arc Flash

Electrical hazards, 正确的电气工作方法和程序, 并对电气设备的安全安装进行了讨论. You will learn how the NFPA 70E requirements work in conjunction with OSHA requirements. 旨在保证工人的安全和最新信息, 这个项目为工人提供救生信息.

NFPA 70E Topics of Interest:

  • Introduction to 70E
  • Qualified vs. Unqualified
  • Hazard Analysis
  • Shock Hazards vs. Flash Hazards
  • 冲击保护的边界逼近
  • Limited
  • Restricted
  • Prohibited
  • Flash Protection Boundaries
  • PPE
  • Hazard Risk Categories
10-Hour OSHA Construction

The 10-Hour OSHA Construction (29 CFR 1926) safety course is intended for entry-level participants and provides instruction on a variety of general construction safety and health standards. Upon successful completion of this course participants will be mailed an OSHA Construction Safety and Health 10-Hour Card.

30-Hour OSHA Construction

The four-day 30-Hour OSHA Construction (29 CFR 1926) course covers safety principles as well as policies, procedures and standards. Attendees will gain an understanding of the scope and application of OSHA regulations as they apply to the construction industry.


  • Introduction to OSHA, OSH ACT/General Duty 5 (a) (1): General Safety and Health Provisions
  • Competent Person (Subpart C)
  • Recordkeeping (CFR Part 1904)
  • Electrical (Subpart K)
  • Fall Protection (Subpart M)
  • 个人防护及救生设备(子部分E)
  • 物料处理、贮存、使用及弃置(子部H)
  • 工具-手动和动力(第一部分)
  • 起重机、井架、葫芦、电梯和传送带(子部分N)
  • Excavations (Subpart P)
  • 楼梯及梯子(第X部)
10-Hour OSHA General Industry

This course is ideal for supervisors with safety and health responsibilities and for employee safety and health awareness.

学生将被介绍职业安全与健康管理局的政策, procedures and standards as well as general industry safety and health principles covered in OSH Act Part 1910. Special emphasis will be placed on areas most hazardous using OSHA standards as a guide.

成功完成课程后, participants will receive an OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Outreach DOL course completion card.


  • 说明职业安全与健康法案的目的,并列出职业安全与健康管理局的职能
  • 列出OSHA检查的优先级并描述检查过程
  • Describe the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees under the OSH Act
  • 正确维护通道和通道的基本要求
  • 地板开口的识别和保护指南
  • 了解有效的出口消防程序的重要性
  • To know the safe means of egress to provide fire protection in emergencies from new or old buildings or structures
  • 概述一般安全标准的一般要求
30-Hour OSHA General Industry

The 30-Hour OSHA General Industry (29 CFR 1910) course gives insight into the more complicated elements of the OSHA standards for general industry. It provides compliance safety training to prepare employees for the hazards found in manufacturing, 服务及分销公司. Attendees will gain an in-depth knowledge of occupational safety and health standards.


  • 职业安全与健康简介:职业安全与健康法案概述, 包括引用和处罚, plus tips on how to avoid them.
  • 子部分D:行走和工作表面
  • Subpart E: Means of Egress
  • 子部分G:听力保护
  • Subpart H: Hazardous Materials
  • 第一部分:个人防护装备
  • Subpart J: Confined Space; Lockout/Tagout; Machine Guarding
  • 子部分K:医疗和急救
  • Subpart L: Fire Protection
  • 子部分N:物料搬运和储存
  • 子部分O:机械和机械防护
  • 子部件Q:焊接、切割和钎焊
  • Subpart S: Electrical
  • 子部分Z:血源性病原体
Water Operator’s Training

Workshops are designed for Grade I- IV water operators who are dedicated to the water industry by keeping in stride with the latest in water industry regulations and technology. This class meets the requirements set by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Regulations and Licensure for receiving CEUs toward recertification

Other Training

Other Training

  • GHS Hazard Communication
  • Fall Protection
  • Hazardous Materials Awareness
  • Blood borne Pathogens
  • Customized Training
  • On-site Training