Central Honors Institute

The 2024 CHI application has been closed. Please check back later for the 2025 camp dates.


Central Honors Institute Scholarship Application

Calling all high ability students in middle school

中央社区学院哥伦布校区很高兴地宣布,第20届中央荣誉学院(CHI)学术营将于6月23日至26日举行, 2024.

将在2024年秋季进入七年级或八年级的学生,并且已经证明了最热门的网赌网址大全, 领导, 在他们的同龄人中成熟的被邀请申请我们为期四天的住宿营. 在气, 营员将有机会与来自全州的其他高能力学习者见面,同时参加四个基于STEM的学术课程之一. The instructors who lead these tracks are some of the brightest, most innovative educators from across the state.

在我们由两名社会主任组成的高素质员工的帮助下, eight (8) instructors, four (4) residence hall advisors and five (5) student interns, 我们承诺让事情保持兴奋和快节奏,以帮助学生在任何第一次紧张之前保持两步! During their stay at camp, 学生将住在我们两个现代化的宿舍之一,并在CCC自助餐厅用餐,充分体验社区大学校园的生活. 每一天, 学生将参加旨在通过实践活动和经验挑战他们学术的课程. 学生和他们的同龄人也将参与各种有组织的社会活动,这些活动由我们的营地社会主管促进.



We accept the following standardized assessments: MAP, 坐, SRA, 垫, 猫, 国际旅游展的, CTBC, STAR和NSCAS. We do not accept ACT or NeSA test scores.

Application Instructions
CHI夏令营的录取竞争非常激烈,并且是基于学术和推荐. 学生及家长须填写网上或书面申请表格,方可申请智库. 学生 will need to have a current 数学, 科学或语言艺术教师填写申请表上的教师推荐部分. 除了, 学校辅导员或官员将需要填写申请的“合格标准”部分.



Send NO money now. 

Tuition for the four-day camp is $435, which includes professional staff and educators, 房间, 董事会, 供应, recreational activity fees, 和一件CHI t恤. 我们提供高达175美元的部分奖学金,以帮助有经济需要的学生抵消夏令营的费用.

Central Honors Institute Scholarship Application

当学生在四月中旬被通知CHI录取时,学费到期. Late cancellations are subject to partial tuition being withheld. No refunds will be given after June 15. 

气类 & Learning Environment

Below are the four academic tracks being offered in 2024. Click a title to expand and view details about the section.

CHI Creativity Track

CHI Creativity Track -鼓励学生以独特和具有挑战性的方式探索他们的创造力. 活动包括设计游戏、即兴表演、写作、表演和发明. You may choose to design with technology, such as using a 3D printer. You will use teamwork to problem solve and learn from each other. 你的信心会飙升,你会发现你的创造力超乎想象.


CSI在CHI轨道 – Is enjoying 数学 a crime? 这些好奇的露营者在使用科技后会发现完全相反的情况, 数学, 以及先进的解决问题的能力,在一周内调查并解决了几个令人费解的案件. This curriculum is advanced, 然而,创造性, with lots of teamwork, 解决问题, 挑战应用程序,帮助这些分析型学生成为“犯罪现场调查员”.”


智流小组 -以生物学为基础,这条赛道让露营者走出教室,进入“真实”的世界. Using scientific methods and ecological concepts, Stream Team campers will investigate the living and non-living objects, 食物网, and biodiversity in a nearby aquatic ecosystem. 学生 will perform advanced-level data collection, 研究, and analysis as they spend their week learning about Stream Ecology.


飞驰轨道 – Designed to encourage interest through hands-on activities, in an environment that is supportive, 丰富, 和有趣的. 这条赛道将专注于从射箭到鸟类学飞行的迷人方面, 火箭, 滑翔机, combustion and beyond. Many demonstrations in chemistry, 物理, 生物学, 工程, 数学, 科技将用于教育和娱乐这些“STEM”营员.

CHI Faculty and Learning Environment

CHI的教师拥有杰出的教学资质,并因其在这个年龄段工作的经验和热情而被选中. While the typical CHI student excels at academics, 许多人对他们将在夏令营中经历的充满挑战的学术经历感到惊喜. 最重要的是,我们的学习环境支持接纳、成长和卓越. 自2003年以来,哥伦布中央社区学院一直自豪地接待CHI露营者.

CHI Social Program

在新的环境中享受乐趣和学会自信是CHI议程的重要组成部分. Our social program includes activities such as swimming, 打保龄球, putt-putt, 飞盘高尔夫, 桌上游戏, group games and relays. CHI来自一个大的地理区域,它允许露营者认识来自其他学校和城市的孩子,并建立超出正常同龄人群体的友谊.


Here’s what our typical day at CHI camp looks like:  


7:30 – 8:15 a.m. - - - - - -早餐

8:15 – 8:45 a.m. — Large group activity / challenge 

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. -上午的课程

12:00 – 12:45 p.m. ——午餐

12:45 – 1:15 p.m. — Organized lunch activities 

1:30 – 4:00 p.m. — Afternoon classes

4:30 – 5:30 p.m. — Large group activity / challenge

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. ——晚餐

6:30 – 9:00 p.m. — Evening social activity

9:30 -10:00 p.m. — Residence hall time 10:00 p.m. -熄灯

First and Last Day 

The 2024 camp schedule is in the process of being finalized. 

被选中参加夏令营的学生将收到有关周日入住/退房时间和地点的指示, June 23 and Wednesday, 6月26日. 此外,我们将分享一份打包清单,供学生带到营地. Please watch for these handouts to be mailed out at the end of May. 



All questions for the Central Honors Instititue should be directed to:

艾丽卡Chochon eleffler@conch-garment.com or by calling 402-562-1458.  

签出我们的 谷歌相册 to view photos and activities from previous years.

Camp Administrators

艾丽卡Chochon, Regional Director, 4500 63rd 街,P.O. Box 1027, Columbus, NE 68602-1027

卡琳Rieger, Associate Dean of CWE, 4500 63rd 街,P.O. Box 1027, Columbus, NE 68602-1027